Wednesday, February 28


  1. After spending many years not just surviving but apparently thriving on less than 5 hours sleep a night, there was the crash. Now I seem to experience a permanent state of exhaustion.

  2. I passed my driving test first time.

  3. But I can't park to save my life. In my driving test I was asked to do a 3 point turn and reverse around a corner, had I been asked to parallel park I would not have passed. This is a constant source of amusement to friends who often become frustrated whilst driving with me and end up parking the car themselves.

  4. I was a prefect at school (ooh la la).

  5. I spend far too much of my life worrying rather than acting on what is worrying me.

  6. I never did enough work. Ever. I'm secretly afraid that I never will. I wonder if I'll ever be able to beat the procrastination.

  7. I'm a size 8, entirely by accident. I feel like a cheat, I wobble far too much to be a size 8. I appear to be one of those people who can eat anything and still say slim(ish). If I wasn't, with my diet, I'd be at least 30 stone by now. This scares me. As does the knowledge that I'm not sure I would have the willpower to really diet if I ever was to become very overweight.

  8. As does how often I consider smoking again. To get rid of my appetite.

  9. I found myself a "second' family entirely by accident. They are, more often than not, why I get up in the morning. I miss them all day. I am getting through things at the moment by knowing I will soon be back near to them. This is all wrong. This implies there is something amiss with my wonderful wonderful "real" family. Yes, there's a very difficult situation or six buried in there, but they are my family. I love them. Perhaps it's all fine. I can have two, right?

  10. I will always be a flirt. This has got me into trouble more times than I would care to remember.

  11. I love the smell of freshly cut grass. It is an instant reminder of summer, friends and cricket. Walking barefoot is another instant reminder of summer; my feet are regularly in tatters due to my love of the freedom of walking barefoot. Typing this I'm humming along to Ash's "Walking Barefoot". Good song that.

  12. The first CD I bought was a Steps album, closely followed by a Five album. Oh the shame. Needless to say, my music taste probably hasn't improved all that much, despite how hard The Boy tried.

  13. Nothing can beat communicating by letter. Especially with those you love. Somehow, if they are too far away, writing brings you so much closer together. I love being able to look forward to the post arriving again. The postman knows to put the letters with the certain postmark at the top.

  14. I always dreamt of a very very traditional very very white wedding (oh, how typical you say), perhaps because I attended my parents' aged 8 or 9 dressed in football kit. Yes, took the tomboy phase further than most.

  15. I have no piercings or tattoos. This is not due to any dislike of either, I just never got around to it.

  16. I can't sing, not even remotely. This is midly upsetting although I have been known to lose awareness of this particular fact whilst riding on a tram listening to my ipod. As a child, I couldn't help but feel my life would have been different if I could sing. And if I had an "innie" belly button. All the cool kids had "innie"s and I felt like the imposter.

  17. I have always been hopeless at public speaking. I clam up, stammer or just speak at a hundred words per minute. Recently, however, I have found that just forcing myself to stand up and talk has yielded surprisingly successful results. Long may it continue.

  18. Mon coeur sera toujous en trente trois. C'est là où ma vie a changé. Je ne suis pas à l'aise quand je ne suis pas là. Jamais. Cela m'inquiete.

Sunday, February 25

Il était une fois

The perfect evening. The perfect gentleman and the perfect end. And that's not with the aid of rose -tinted glasses either. Just a tinge of regret.

The next afternoon, however, my body decides that something is not right and I make a rapid acquaintance with The Boy's toilet, I emerge once or twice in the following 12 hours, only to crawl into bed after attempting to go downstairs to socialise with his friends. I have only just met them but I'm too tired to worry what on earth they must think of the New Girlfriend.

I wake up, he's lying next to me, typing away on his laptop. He turns to me, sheepishly: he's been googling morning sickness he confesses, somewhat relieved. Seeing his serious expression I start to giggle and can't stop.

You see, that perfect evening, only 12 or so hours prior, had been the first time The Boy and I slept together.

Bless 'im. If only he knew what he was letting himself in for, all that time ago.

Thursday, February 22

These people have far more intersting things to say

I'm not feeling particularly verbose at the moment. I personally hold my ice-cream consumption responsible. It's rather obscene.

Anyhoo. One thing that doesn't require much energy or motivation is plowing my way through Newsfire. Over the last couple of days I've noticed a few things that I really couldn't not point to.

With my newly found somewhat single status, I found Petite Anglaise's post about her being single for a year now particularly interesting. She weighs up the benefits of her single life versus being single just not fitting with her as a person. She seems to be taking comfort in nutella. Perhaps I should be trying that...

Speaking of people trying to find comfort, I came across someone else in a similar situation today. Cleopantha has just split with her man and has written her thoughts and the scenario of her relationship. Fab writing!

Just when it looked like this post was following a vague thread of sense I'm launching off in a different direction entirely: the government's road pricing scheme ideas that are all over the place at the moment. However, as
Pete Ashton puts it so well, why is the Blair government they only just responding to public outcry in an acceptable fashion?

For all those who use the tube and are as addicted to Twitter as I am, Tom Morris has created the Twitter Tube Tracker. Smart man is he.

Too. Funny.
In a very very sad way, that is.

Also, one piece of good news (although I sense that Lyle and I are in severe disagreement here..); Desperate Housewives creator Marc Cherry has extended his contract until 2011, confirming that there will be 7 seasons of that classic drama. Not that I'm obsessed. Oh no. Nu-uh.

Lastly: Bollocks to it.

(Semantically speaking I guess this really should be an unordered list. poop.)

Tuesday, February 20

Someone hit the pause button. I'm sure of it.

The Boy and I sat up past 4am talking it over. We're going to have some time apart.

Ben and Jerry's is my best friend at this moment in time.

If I had had more than an hour's sleep in the past 36 I feel sure I would have something vastly more eloquent to say on the subject.

But then sleep deprivation always did make me delusional.

Sunday, February 18

On forgetting the need to relinquish one's brain

I'm clearly not ready to return to this blogging lark.

Half an hour ago, as I got into the shower, the outline of a blog post was forming in my head. I reached for the shampoo whilst hodling a fascinating monologue about the title of said post. Unfortunately it took me a good minute to realise I had just lathered my head with shaving cream.

Perhaps I should have thought twice before surrendering the head-space once more.

Saturday, February 17

This girl can procrastinate with the best of 'em

I'm amazed at the lengths I've gone this morning to avoid writing that essay.

  • Ate 1 Tesco's white chocolate bar

  • Read Kommandant's Girl (Incidentally a very good read)

  • Checked Twitter +11 times

  • Sent +8 text messages

  • Added album artwork to 12 albums in itunes

  • Written the first paragraph

  • Rewritten the first paragraph

  • Started, dried and folded 3 loads of washing

  • Fed the cat
I, er, also created a blog. Suddenly the itch was there again. So, hello!