Monday, March 5

I don't think I handled that very well

Today I had lunch with a very very dear old friend I had not seen for more than two years who was over visiting from Paris. He and I were just as we had always been and I realised how daft we were not to have managed to see each other for so long.

So we're two old friends rather wrapped up in each other. As we enter my pub of choice I suddenly spot The Boy/Ex-Boy (that's another story) sitting at a table immediately in front. The Boy looks up as we enter; we're laughing and have managed to faff with opening the door. For a moment I'm like a rabbit caught in the headlights. When my brain finally defrosts I disentangle my arm and steer Parisian toward a table far away.

Cue a few minutes of me rather unsure what to do.

a) Do I introduce?
b) Do I wave and go over?
c)Or do I just engage in conversation in a somewhat over-enthusiastic manner and hope that everything will go away?

I chose c having decided that a or b could give the wrong impression (or any impression really) and risk making an already nightmarish mess worse. In the end, The Boy takes the initiative and I get a text to inform me that he's rearranged his lunch with The Man With Whom I Never See Eye to Eye (That Man happens to also be one of his best friends) and is going elsewhere.

Crisis averted. Guilt suitably induced. It was possibly all over nothing anyway, but I am in no doubt that That Man would have found a spoon to stir somewhat vigorously.


missfee said...

phew, potential crisis situation averted indeed. Love your writing by the way.
Have yet to run into the happy couple that is my recent ex and my first ex and no doubt I will not be so calm when I do...!

Anonymous said...

To ensure you dont have a repeat of this and to eliminate further stress (above post health), have a long distance relationship with men who dont travel to your neck of the woods. So if it ends you never ever have to deal with such a situation.
ps. l think you handled it like a true lady..

missfee said...

oh you confuse me with your name change! x

eeyore said...

i like your writing very much. and, you are really wonderfully good looking.