- After spending many years not just surviving but apparently thriving on less than 5 hours sleep a night, there was the crash. Now I seem to experience a permanent state of exhaustion.
- I passed my driving test first time.
- But I can't park to save my life. In my driving test I was asked to do a 3 point turn and reverse around a corner, had I been asked to parallel park I would not have passed. This is a constant source of amusement to friends who often become frustrated whilst driving with me and end up parking the car themselves.
- I was a prefect at school (ooh la la).
- I spend far too much of my life worrying rather than acting on what is worrying me.
- I never did enough work. Ever. I'm secretly afraid that I never will. I wonder if I'll ever be able to beat the procrastination.
- I'm a size 8, entirely by accident. I feel like a cheat, I wobble far too much to be a size 8. I appear to be one of those people who can eat anything and still say slim(ish). If I wasn't, with my diet, I'd be at least 30 stone by now. This scares me. As does the knowledge that I'm not sure I would have the willpower to really diet if I ever was to become very overweight.
- As does how often I consider smoking again. To get rid of my appetite.
- I found myself a "second' family entirely by accident. They are, more often than not, why I get up in the morning. I miss them all day. I am getting through things at the moment by knowing I will soon be back near to them. This is all wrong. This implies there is something amiss with my wonderful wonderful "real" family. Yes, there's a very difficult situation or six buried in there, but they are my family. I love them. Perhaps it's all fine. I can have two, right?
- I will always be a flirt. This has got me into trouble more times than I would care to remember.
- I love the smell of freshly cut grass. It is an instant reminder of summer, friends and cricket. Walking barefoot is another instant reminder of summer; my feet are regularly in tatters due to my love of the freedom of walking barefoot. Typing this I'm humming along to Ash's "Walking Barefoot". Good song that.
- The first CD I bought was a Steps album, closely followed by a Five album. Oh the shame. Needless to say, my music taste probably hasn't improved all that much, despite how hard The Boy tried.
- Nothing can beat communicating by letter. Especially with those you love. Somehow, if they are too far away, writing brings you so much closer together. I love being able to look forward to the post arriving again. The postman knows to put the letters with the certain postmark at the top.
- I always dreamt of a very very traditional very very white wedding (oh, how typical you say), perhaps because I attended my parents' aged 8 or 9 dressed in football kit. Yes, took the tomboy phase further than most.
- I have no piercings or tattoos. This is not due to any dislike of either, I just never got around to it.
- I can't sing, not even remotely. This is midly upsetting although I have been known to lose awareness of this particular fact whilst riding on a tram listening to my ipod. As a child, I couldn't help but feel my life would have been different if I could sing. And if I had an "innie" belly button. All the cool kids had "innie"s and I felt like the imposter.
- I have always been hopeless at public speaking. I clam up, stammer or just speak at a hundred words per minute. Recently, however, I have found that just forcing myself to stand up and talk has yielded surprisingly successful results. Long may it continue.
- Mon coeur sera toujous en trente trois. C'est là où ma vie a changé. Je ne suis pas à l'aise quand je ne suis pas là. Jamais. Cela m'inquiete.